Super-Duper Thingy-Madab

Smiley: Welcome to my talk show! We still haven't agreed on one. Someone has issues with being on a talk show called 'Planetarious Obstruvantical Nonsensical Blabbernatious Notawordnessical Yo-yo Show.'

For those who need a prununciation key [Planet-air-E-ous Obstrew-van-tea-call Nonsense-E-call Blabber-gnat-E-ous Not-a-word-ness-E-call yo-yo show]

Squiggle: Smiley, that would be you. I was fine with it, but you decided against it shortly after thinking it up.

Smiley: What's your point? Someone doesn't like it. That doesn't mean it's you. Besides, we have more important matters to attend to. The magic sock!

Squiggle: Sock? You never said ANYTHING about a sock! When did you decide on a sock? I thought we were doing the pogo stick.

Smiley: Yeah, we were, but someone didn't like that idea after all. So on with the sock!

Squiggle: Cool it's green!

Smiley: It also glows!

Squiggle: Does it sparkle?

Smiley: Don't be ridiculous! This is a sock! It can do almost anything! It can time travel, wash the dishes, clean your room, and do your homework, but the one thing it cannot do is sparkle. It's a good thing I didn't run this by you or else you would've dumped glitter all over it.

Squiggle: Why wouldn't I? It would sparkle!

Smiley: Yes, but that would disrupt the balance in all things awesome.

Squiggle: What about gloves, can they sparkle?

Smiley: They don't do anything but do that. Bye people!!!!!!!!